I almost forgot. I worked on this project for so long and couldn't show it because I had to wait for the revel. Our meeting was Thursday so here it is. This was a project that sounded really fun to me. You pick a product and use the colors on the label to make whatever you want. I was going to be on vacation so I needed to figure out something I could do that could be hand sewn. I love the Dresden plate so that was settled. Looking around the house for a product was not hard once I saw the colors on this bottle. With the pieces cut and sewn together all I had to do was hand stitch the outside and the center circle to the backing. When I returned home very pleased with the work I had done I was surfing our guild site when I came across a Dresden plate done for another challenge. I decided mine had to change so I cut it up, scrambled the pieces and sewed it back together. Here is my little 10" pillow.
LVMQG Product Challenge March 2012 |
Since I was on vacation in Hawaii and that is the land of shadow quilting that is what I did, but not by hand.
Detail Dresden plate March 2012 |
Click on the Las Vegas Modern Quilt Guild button the sidebar and you can see what everyone else made. The creative things these girls come up with is amazing.
Off to make another charity quilt.