I know, I have been busy and have not posted for a few weeks. I will start now and try to get back into the habit of posting regularly. I now have a job working at my LQS. I work Sundays so it doesn't cut into my sewing time much! I'm having too much fun for it to be a job.
I finished binding this quilt that Zany Quilter quilted for me. She did a wonderful job and thank you. It was picked up today to be auctioned off at the gala for the Living Grace Home. Check out their website here.
Donation quilt May 2013 |
I have been sewing a lot away from home. With all my sewing and cutting surfaces covered with fabric there is not a place to do anything until it is cleaned up. I would rather sew than clean up so there you have it! I am only a few yards of fabric away from being on "Hoarders". Do you think it could possibly be true?
What a mess! May 2013 |
And you thought I was kidding...
Stay tuned for large hexagons, pick up sticks, dancing stars and other assorted projects I have been working on.
Happy sewing!