After finishing my bags I got busy on my orange challenge for the Modern Quilt Guild due last week. It needed to be a finished project so I made a doll size quilt using 1 1/2" Thangles. I love using Thangles because you can sew with your brain in the off position and it still turns out!
Why is this photo not straight you ask? My sewing rooms are so trashed I could hardly make it to my design wall. I feel lucky to get this post out.
Orange Challenge MQG June 2012 |
I picked up a new baby kitty last week from a parking lot and took it home, much to my husbands dismay. It has been living in our bedroom since we have two other cats. I will be taking her to my Dad's house as he is in the market for a kitty and she is a sweetie. I thought it was a Ragdoll but with further research I found out she is a Turkish Van. Loves water and her coat is like an angora rabbit.
June 2012 |
I have been trying to get some sewing done but with a baby kitty in my sewing room little gets accomplished.
I have been working on my many baby quilts I need to get finished. Two babies are here already and three to go, well four if you count my son's friends baby. I am very excited about the little girl twins due next door as they are going to need some help. Even though the husbands Mom is coming for three months I hope to be able to pitch in to help.
It is July already. I have so many sewing projects on my list. Until next time, sew often and sew happy!