Monday, February 20, 2012

I Finished Mine Too!!!

I was deciding what projects to take on the MQG sewing retreat and came across these pieces I had put together more than a year ago. There were 11 of us so I decided to offer a retreat challenge. I wrapped each one in a small paper envelope with names on them and handed them out. The only instructions were to do with them whatever you like. Someone started working on theirs and got the ball rolling. We were all trying to do something different and checking our scraps for parts and pieces. I finally finished mine. Check the others here and here.

Retreat Challenge 2012

I love journal covers and since no one else did that, I figured I would. There is even some quilting using white thread that you can see in person but barely in the photo. I know, it's not like me to use a simple white thread!

Getting ready for Hawaii!!

Keep up your fabric therapy.


jan said...

That would make a great travel diary! It looks great! I think it was a really fun challenge!

Vic H. said...

Very sharp looking! Good use of the challenge fabric.... ;-)